Are We in the End Time- What Bible Says About it

End Time Prophesies – Religious Rehabilitation Group


We are told that we will be judged by what we do in the last days, and that judgment will come in two forms. It will either be by living in a way that is pleasing to God or by following the way of the Gentiles. That brings us to the question: "Are we in the end time?"


But there was a problem in the scriptures that was not being answered, that many Bible scholars thought that it would solve the problem of the Church and the Gentiles, which were in opposition to the Church. Therefore, they added to the Bible, and a man named John wrote, "There is One who testifies concerning our flesh, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." So, now that the people are in opposition, what does this have to do with those who are living in this day?


Well, we know that the Scriptures have a lot to do with everything. There are many scriptures that speak about the event and the events. The term "end time" comes from the fact that if you look at the Bible for thousands of years, then you will find all kinds of prophets, and they have prophesied about this. When the people of the world wanted to come up against Israel, the Bible said, "Behold, the days come, declares the Lord, when I will punish all those who hate me, declares the Lord Almighty, declares the Lord Omniscient, declares the Lord Almighty."


"But of that day and generation no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." "And the Son, even he says, 'I am in the Father, and the Father in Me, and the Holy Ghost carries Me wherever I go.' "


"And it will be a sign for you on the mountain, and on the ground that the beast will live; and you will see the dragon, the ancient serpent, that became a roaring lion when he was swallowed by the great Leviathan..." "When you see him, you will not be afraid."


The Beast will be a real danger because he will be feeding on human beings and the devil himself, and when he becomes enraged, and when he sees the Beast, he will be in great fear, and then he will flee. He will hide and wait until he sees the crowd that has gathered, and then he will rush at them and attack. He will eat and drink and be intoxicated and desire what he desires.


If we are in the end time, and the situation has not been settled yet, and the Bible is not the final word on it, but it is the Word of God, then when this is over with, and things have been settled and the final battle is over, and it is a good time to look at the end times, the situation in the world, and what we can do about it. The world will be afraid and frightened, and the great lie, the false religion, will be gone forever. This question is a bit complex so I suggest you to read some books on end times to get better guidance.


Once the world sees what the Bible says about God, the beginning of the end time will be here, and they will have to repent, and live right. They have to recognize the Lord and His name and live right, and when they see that their time has come, they will know that they are not saved, and they will become aware of the end of the age.